Only Begotten
Aleksandar Trajkovski
John 1:14 KJV And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among
us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of
the Father,) full of grace and truth.
The phrase only begotten is a translation of the Greek word
monogenēs. This word may come from the word monos, which means the
only one, and the ginomai, which means: to be born, to exist, to
happen, to go out, to establish, to have, to appear in public, etc.
(it does not have to have the meaning of birth or creation at all) or
genos which means: offspring, race, kind. In the New Testament word
is used for only child (Luke 7:12), but mostly when referring to
Christ. He is the only begotten of the Father (Jn 1:14). What does it
mean that Christ is the only begotten? He was created? Certainly
not. ''Only begotten'' signifies His uniqueness. If we look at
Hebrews 11:17, we will see that Abraham offered the only begotten
Heb 11:17 KJV By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered
up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only
begotten son,
Anyone who reads the Bible regularly knows that Isaac was not the
only son of Abraham. He was not even the first, for the first was
Ishmael. But Isaac was not the son of a slave, and Abraham received
promises about him. Isaac was called the only begotten because he was
special and not the only one born. (The Hebrew word used in Genesis
22: 2 is yachiyd. The same word is used in Psalm 35:17, and
translates as my darling and refers to the soul. In Psalm 68:
6 refers to abandoned or lonely.)
Therefore, when it is said that Christ is the only begotten, it means
that Hi is special and has a special relationship with the Father (Jn
1:18). The Bible calls us believers children or sons of God, since
God has adopted us into his family and gave us the Holy Spirit.
Christ is therefore called the only begotten Son because He is the
special Son, unique, "the only
one of its kind".1
He is the LORD God, who has no beginning or end. He is the Creator,
not the creature. He is the Son of God "in a sense in which
others are not."2
(Sveto Trojstvo)
Encyclopedia of the Bible, s. v. ”Only Begotten”.
2ISBE, s. v. ”Only Begotten”.
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